If you really want to learn something you got to take action. As Tony Robbins says "Knowledge without action is poverty". That's why I try to take notes on everything I'm reading, watching or listening.
This is where I'm going to create a repo of the notes I write to understand new media. The advantage you will have is that I'll search for quality material and rate it so that it's easier for you to choose what to read next.
I hope that these notes serve you well and I also hope that someday my future children will read this and know that their dad was someone who loved to learn and most importantly,DO.
My notes on this video by Suhail Doshi the founder of Mixpanel.
My notes on The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz.
My notes on this video by Michael Siebel the CEO of Y Combinator.
Mis notas de El Arte de Hacer Dinero de Mario Borghino. Ver más en amazon
My notes on the best lectures by Jordan Peterson.
My notes on this lecture by David Rusenko on How To Find Product Market Fit.
Mis notas de El hombre en busca de sentido de Viktor Frankl. Ver más en amazon
Mi resumen y notas de 48 leyes del poder por Robert Greene.
Mis notas de Cómo ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas de Dale Carnegie.
Mis notas de el sutil arte de que todo te importe una mi*rda de Mark Manson. Ver más en amazon
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